Web Development


React Weather App

React Weather App

This project allows you to search for the weather at a specific city, at your current location, and displays a 5 day weather forecast. The API we used was provided by OpenWeatherMap.

I learned how to take my custom Vanilla JS weather app and convert it into React. I created components where it made sense, to give funcionality and readability. Working with React challenged me to problem solve and understand how the code worked in relation to each component.

React Dictonary App

My final project in SheCodes was to build a dictionary app that displays the data for a searched word, along with corresponding images. This app used two APIs to achieve this. I built multiple components that store the value of the word searched, and retrieves two objects; one for the dictionary and the other for the photos.

This app allows you to view multiple definitions, examples, play audio, and look at a photo gallery of the searched word.

React Dictonary App

CSS Animation Graphic

Challenged myself to gain a better understanding of CSS animation and built out an animated graphic that I designed. It would be used on the company’s website as an attention grabber on a landing page.

CSS Animation